Martin Auclair
« Nous avons perdu en Christopher un ami proche, un mentor, un passionné de musique qui aimait inconditionnellement ses chanteurs. Pour le remercier, et lui rendre un hommage sincère, nous chanterons les Vêpres de Monteverdi, une de ses pièces préférées. Un petit geste de notre part pour un très grand musicien! Merci pour tout Christopher ! »
Josée Lalonde
«Voilà presque une année que tu es parti rejoindre les anges… au même moment, je partais en Italie, où tu devais passer une année… où on aurait pu se prendre un bon café, verre de vin, pizza… … Toi qui aurais tant aimé te promener sur les via, les piazza, les campo, les ponte, les calle…Ce voyage a pris un autre sens avec ton départ… il devait être un voyage d’agrément, all by myself, il est devenu une sorte de pélerinage en ta compagnie…
Marie Magistry
«Les Vêpres de Monteverdi, l’oeuvre de prédilection de Christopher est à son image: élégante, sobre, expressive, pleine d’humanité et de paradoxes et empreinte d’une grande quête de spiritualité. C’est avec émotion que je participerai à ce concert qui rend hommage à cet homme qui a été un mentor et un grand ami pour moi et qui a donné un grand souffle de vie à la musique ancienne à Montréal.»
Bernard Cayouette
Stéphanie Manias
I would not likely have specialized in early music if it hadn’t been for Christopher’s belief in and support of me. In summer of 2010, when I had only been singing with SMAM for a few months, he gave me the opportunity to sing as a soloist in the very piece we’ll be presenting this Monday night. Monteverdi’s Vespers will forever have a special meaning for me. I will never separate it from the man who had such a large impact on my life and my singing, who introduced his music to me, and interpreted it with uniqueness, clarity, and truth.
Clayton Kennedy
«Christopher gave so much, and I owe him so much. He was a very important mentor to me at Concordia University, with many hours together, helping to demystify the recits and rhetoric in Bach cantatas, and his giving passionate permission to « do something! » with the music. To see him conduct SMAM with his eternal fire was a sight and sound to behold and feel. I can also attest to his ceaseless generosity and encouragement through both the chamber choir at Concordia, where he featured a few student compositions, and gave solo opportunities, as well as through his conducting students, who have gone on to wonderful next chapters in their lives. I can only begin to imagine all that he has done for so many other people, but a wonderful event like this gives me an idea.
I’ll see you again, Chris. In the meantime, we sing for you, but in a different way. »
Amanda Keesmaat
«There are many works that I will never be able to hear or perform again without thinking of Christopher. His interpretations and musical explanations were so precise, clear and indisputable that I can barely imagine experiencing them otherwise. I don’t think there is another person who taught me more about listening to, understanding, and PLAYING the text. I truly feel lucky to have made so much music with him.»
Margaret Little
A tribute to Christopher’s sense of humour.
Way back when, in the first years of SMAM, I was the volunteer SMAM « coordinator » and had weekly meetings with Christopher and Réjean to plan and organize upcoming rehearsals and concerts. Then I would have to phone (no emails back then!) Christopher a few times during the week and harrass him so he would do the follow-up he had said he would do. One day, exasperated, I told him: « Christopher Jackson, I’m NOT your secretary or your wife!!! » He looked at me, totally horrified, and replied « Thank GOD!!! »
That still makes me laugh alot. Miss you, Christopher..
Marie-Annick Béliveau
C’est l’heure de mon témoignage on dirait…:
Un jour que nous répétions un programme Boudreau/Vivier pour un concert de la SMCQ, Christopher vient me voir et dit: « moi je ne comprends pas ça, cette musique-là, ça ne m’intéresse pas, mais quand c’est toi qui chante, je trouve ça beau ». Ça fait genre 10 ans de ça… je ne m’en remets pas encore…Une petite phrase comme ça, ça brille longtemps dans le fond du coeur.
Concert passé
Concert à la mémoire de Christopher Jackson
Lundi, 19 septembre 2016, 19 h 30
Église Saint-Léon de Westmount
4311, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Métro Atwater
Solistes, choeur et orchestre
Julian Wachner chef
40 billets à 200$*
Incluant :
Au Bistro on the avenue, 1362 rue Greene,
apéro avec le chef et les solistes à 17h30 et coquetel dînatoire à 18h00.
Coffret de 5 disques du SMAM (au choix)
et sièges en section Prestige.