Sunday, November 17, 2024 – 2:30 pm

Bourgie Hall
1339, Sherbrooke West
Montréal, H3G 1G2

Bus Bus : 24 – stop De la Montagne
Métro Stations Guy-Concordia, Peel or Lucien-L’Allier


This a cappella concert celebrates a dual heritage: that of the extraordinary, vast, and imperishable vocal polyphony of the Renaissance and that of the SMAM, which has sung this repertoire with unparalleled conviction over the past 50 years. Bearing witness to this dedication are its remarkable recordings of works by famous and lesser-known masters, covering more than a century of music, from Josquin des Prez to Johann Hermann Schein. The program also features a foray into the contemporary repertoire…


Josquin des Prés (v.1450-1521)
Motet Ave verum corpus à 5 voix

Antoine Brumel (v.1460-v.1520)
Extraits de la Missa Et ecce terræ tremuit à 12 voix

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
Extraits de la messe Missa Ut re mi fa sol la à 6 voix

Roland de Lassus (1532-1594)
Extraits des Lagrime di San Pietro à 7 voix

Luca Marenzio (1553-1599)
Motet Super flumina Babylonis à 12 voix en trois chœurs

Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630)
Motet Quem vidistis pastores à 8 voix en deux chœurs

Maurice-Gaston Du Berger (1987-)
Nutshimit – Unpublished text in Innu-aimun by the poet Joséphine Bacon, commissioned by the composer.
Supported by the CALQ, creation grant


Choir a cappella
Andrew McAnerney, direction