For almost 50 years, the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal stood out as leader of the Canadian and Quebec musical life and as Ambassador of the Baroque and Renaissance music. This season once again there are significant financial challenges to be met, and the success of your Ensemble’s fundraising campaigns is vital if the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal is to continue to shine on the international scene as well as at the very heart of our city.

We invite you to make a donation today and you will receive a receipt for your income tax purposes.


Are you part of a company that wants to support the performing arts? Do you want to contribute, in your own way, to furthering the activities of the Studio de musique ancienne?

We invite you to make a donation today and you will receive a receipt for your income tax purposes.


To find out more about our recognition and sponsorship plans, please contact us at
514 861-2626.