You can donate during our annual campaigns, with a one-time donation, or with a monthly contribution to help further the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal’s mission.

You may also choose to make a major donation—a donation of over $1,000—, which will help facilitate the implementation of such special projects as those described under the “Why Donate?” tab.


We would also like to share the terms and conditions for a “Large Cultural Donation”. To be considered as such, the donation must have been made after July 3, 2013. It must be of at least $5,000 and of a maximum of $25,000. In addition to the tax credit for charitable donations and other gifts, a large cultural donation entitles the donor to a tax credit of 25% of the eligible amount of the gift. An initial cultural donation of $25,000 could therefore cost as little as $6,700, net of tax credits. A $5,000 donation would only cost you $1,340. For your information, here is a link to the Revenu Québec website listing the conditions that must be met to be eligible for this additional tax credit.


Planned giving can be done now or planned for later. It can contribute to the ensemble’s longevity, allowing it to continue to share its music with music lovers for another 50 years. It can take the form of a legacy gift, a donation of a life insurance policy, a donation of shares or securities, an in-kind donation, etc. It offers interesting tax benefits for you or for your descendants. Speak to a tax advisor to learn more about the terms of this kind of donation. A planned donation consolidates your support of the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal in a sustainable way.


A major donation can be deposited into an in-perpetuity fund at the Foundation of Greater Montréal. In this case, the amount will be matched by the Mécénat Musica cultural program and a Canadian Heritage program. A $25,000 donation is thereby transformed into a $66,500 donation. We can even create a fund in your name or in that of a loved one, to make your donation eternal.

Whatever the amount, you may donate with a credit card or a cheque.

By mail, at this address:
Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal
407-1097 Saint-Alexandre Street

By phone
514 861-2626 #4

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Diane Leboeuf
Executive Director
514 861-2626 #4


To find out more about our recognition and sponsorship plans, please contact us at
514 861-2626.